Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nothin new to say..

Sorry nothing to exciting to brag about.. My friends just came home from school for fall break so we used our passes one more time and ventured through frightmares at lagoon.. It was a lot of fun.. LONG LINES.. COLD WEATHER..AND A CAMERA.. so of course we went NUTZ!!! :D But that's why i carry my camera with me.. ya never know when you'll have a KODAK moment!!

Sorry nothing to exciting to brag about.. My friends just came home from school for fall break so we used our passes one more time and ventured through frightmares at lagoon.. It was a lot of fun.. LONG LINES.. COLD WEATHER..AND A CAMERA.. so of course we went NUTZ!!! :D But that's why i carry my camera with me.. ya never know when you'll have a KODAK moment!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I think it's been long enough..

So I didn't even realize how long it's been.. sorry.. and I wish i could say that i have tons to report but i don't. My schedule is pretty busy/crazy lately. I go to school mon-thurs 7am till 1pm, and mon-fri i go directly to work from 2pm till 11pm. So i don't really have alot of free time. I stopped at hinds the other day(on a thurs) and a friend of the family asked if i'd seen this catalog she gave my mom, i told her that i hadn't even seen mom since the weekend. Sat and sunday are the only days that i have off.

School was great and exciting for about the first week. Ya know something new and diferent. Now it's just SCHOOL!! I am taking two classes.. first 90 min of my day is math for idiots!! :D hehe.. i felt like an idiot when i took the placement test. So i'm "refreshing" my math skills.. it's actually going pretty good.. then i spend the rest of the day, 31/2 hours in my Dental Assisting program. I really like this class as well. It's a "Go at your own pace" program, and i started off great.. flew through a couple chapters.. and then chapter 4&5 came along.. TERMINOLOGY!!!! All the girls that are further in the class are telling us newbies that it's the hardest section.. once you get past this.. you'll have more fun!! Well..it's pretty tough.. I took the first test and scored a 78.. you have to have an 80 to pass and move on!! So the teacher was talking to me, asking me when and how i studied. I'll admit that i took the teachers questions the wrong way.. i didn't say anything rude to the teacher.. i just told her that i go straight to work after class and work until 11 with no time to do homework.. and when i get home i'm pretty tired so i go to sleep and start over the next day.. i told her i study in class.. and i guess i could study better on weekends.. but those are my only days off so who wants to study. But the whole rest of the day i was mad at myself and her because of that stupid test.

Work is going really great for me. I'm still working at Apple Village Assisted Living. I've worked there for 2 years now so it can't be that bad!! :D We have had ALOT of turn over lately.. which is good and bad. But as for me.. i recently got promoted to a higher position. I am now the "med trainer"... meaning i'm constantly training people on how we pass meds at apple village. I really like being on meds, it means i don't have to do some of the "fun" things aides get stuck doing!! But also it's really really stressful because i'm in charge if anything happens. I guess all my hard work finally paid off.. with my promotion.. i finally get WEEKENDS OFF!!! I'm so excited... no more sitting at home anymore on the weekeds i have to work while the fam. is at the cabin...

well.. that's an update for what's happenin in my life!!! :D until next time.. hopefully it won't be another 3 months!!! :P

Sunday, June 29, 2008

LATE nite out!!

I've got some pretty fun.. SPONTANEOUS.. friends.. When ya look at these pictures.. I bet your thinkin "what the heck!! But let me explain!! One nite, we went and got a movie from redbox.. and we were watchin it at my house.. it was rather early in the morning.. and i'm not sure why we were still awake.. but all of a sudden torri decided she felt like a pancake.. why she was craving a pancake at 2:30 in the mornin is beyond me.. so we all piled in the car and started our trip to DENNY'S!! The funny things is that when we got there.. we didn't even order pancakes.. or any kind of breakfast food.. we all shared a delicious plate of onion rings!!

Why is it when your SUPER tired.. and it's SUPER LATE.. you have the most fun!! These are some pictures of us driving in the canyon with the windows down.. that explains the hair styles.. :D
We have a friend who was getting back from vacation a few days after our SPONTANEOUS nite.. so we decided we should pull a prank.. there is tons of construction currently happening in morgan.. so we thought we'd borrow a few cones.. and block her driveway with them.. :D like i said earlier.. WE HAD WAY TOO MUCH FUN!!! The funny thing is.. when she got home.. her parents were all upset thinking it was the younger brothers friends!!! IT WAS HILLARIOUS!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

some more crazy pics at lagoon!

kinzie and I on the swing... all of us at the samari..(fun ride).. feet flying high on the sky ride!!! :D

Let's Go To Lagoon!!

Oh man what a day.. after a LONG DAY at work..as i was driving home.. i got a txt message from my good friend shelyse. Wanting to know if i'd go to lagoon with her. I thought to myself.. "heck no, i had an awful day.. or.. have ya seen the weather?!? it's freezing!!" But the "nice, happy" voice inside my head agreed to go. So i got all snazzy'd up.. for my passport picture and it turned out to be a FUN NITE!! Word of advice.. go to lagoon on regulary weekdays.. the lines are much shorter..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Alright!!! So i finally made a blog.. I'm now in with the "in crowd!!"